How to have a lot of money, not just making millions? How to become rich? It’s not that difficult! Even the richest people when asked how to become rich have a simple advice – invest and save! How to be rich? By thinking and planning your expenses the way those with a sizeable sum in their bank account do!
2. How to have a lot of money? Invest and save!
How to become rich in a few years? By investing! By investing we mean making monthly deposits into an interest-bearing savings account or buying our own flat to rent out during temporary financial difficulties, or even purchasing shares on the stock market.
Attention: If you want to invest professionally or play on stock exchange it is worth not to rely on luck or intuition. It will be much more effective to get professional help from a stockbroker or a financial advisor who will best assess the state of your savings and the possibilities of multiplying them.
However, anyone can save money. Depositing money into an account is a good way to create a safe “financial cushion” as we cannot simply withdraw the money from it at any time.
This is something especially for people who make impulsive purchase decisions. Did something “catch your eye” again, although your wardrobe is already bursting at the seams or you can easily do without another household appliance in your kitchen? A deposit on your account won’t help and that’s a good thing. It’s better to save for a “rainy day”! If you want to buy a new item, simply put aside some extra money for it.
You will thank yourself later when, for example, you lose your job and have to support the household while you look for new job offers.